Are There Any Charities or Groups or Organizations Thats for Drug Abuse Prevention or Awareness?

Question by May: Are there any charities or groups or organizations thats for drug abuse prevention or awareness?
I’m doing a report for my ISU about Drug Abuse and I need to list charities or organizations and what they do to help so can you please help me?

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Answer by Mike

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KOS-D.A.R.E Demo 2 – Karate of Spirit D.A.R.E Drug Abuse Resistance Education Demo 2.


Sinclair Elementary students 'just say no'

Filed under: drug abuse resistance education

At the back of the Sinclair Elementary School music room, retiring fourth- and fifth-grade teacher Gayle Shaw smiled and watched as her last Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program (D.A.R.E.) class gave speeches and threw confetti into the air as they …
Read more on Rawlinstimes


Why Static, One-Size-Fits-All School Drug-Prevention Programs Don't Work

Filed under: drug abuse resistance education

Perhaps the best-known of these programs is DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), which was developed in 1983 and still is in use in many schools across the country. DARE was evaluated throughout the 1980s and '90s, and while it generally was …
Read more on Governing (blog)