compulsive overeating

How Do I Overcome a Food Addiction?

Question by Daniel: How do i overcome a food addiction?
im pretty much addicted to food, i just love eating. i have overcome exercising, i am able to consistently exercise for 40 minutes a day. Its just eating that gets me, could i have some tips on restricting my food intake

Best answer:

Answer by Gerard Way
When you get the urge to eat just chew gum and get out of the kitchen. And you should also drink some water.

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Emotional Eating Help Tip #6: What to Do with Your Feelings – . Emotional eating and overeating happens when you are using food to cope with feelings. Breaking free means learning new strate…


Grant Hackett lands in US and heads for mystery drug rehab facility to battle

Filed under: food addiction help

These have also included preparing and eating food, making phone calls or having sexual intercourse. People experiencing these effects have had no memory of the events. Alcohol can increase the risk of sleep walking and other … The dual gold medalist …
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Walkers bring attention to eating disorders as part of week long effort

Filed under: food addiction help

“What started as an innocent want to eat healthier quickly manifested into a downward spiral of an obsession and an addiction that I totally lost control of,” Jordan said. Jordan's eating disorder began when she was … If you're hungry, your body …
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Survivors share their stories of healing during National Eating Disorder

Filed under: food addiction help

Men are less likely than women to request professional help, the association reports. That was the case with Brian Cuban, author of … He still battles thoughts of inadequacy or wanting to return to his addictions, but he has been able to learn to …


Overeaters Anonymous meets Saturday

Filed under: food addiction help

The 12-step program views compulsive overeating as a physical, emotional and spiritual disease that can be arrested but not cured. … A group of volunteers needs help with skilled carpentry, staining and general labor to work a morning or afternoon shift.
Read more on West Hawaii Today