pain killer addiction

How Will I Find the Right Drug Rehab for My Cousin in Palacios, Texas?

Question by aryana ns: How will I find the right drug rehab for my cousin in Palacios, Texas?
My cousin and I have always been close. She’s now asking for my help in finding drug rehabs for her. How will I know which one is the right one?

Best answer:

Answer by T-Luv
depends on the drugs she is addicted to. try google searching or go to the website for the treatment drug. for example if she is addicted to opiates, suboxone is a common drug used to ween someone off. check the suboxone website for treatment facilities.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Narconon Fresh Start – Robert & Marlene Part 1 – Prescription Pain Killer Addiction – Robert and Marlene’s daughter was addicted to prescription pain killers so they sent her to Narconon Fresh Start Drug Rehab where she turned her life around and now they have their daughter back!


Addiction Treatment Pioneer Dr. A.R. Mohammad Launches Awareness

Filed under: drug rehabs

Dr. Akikur Mohammad, Founder of Malibu Horizon, recognized by many as one of the top prescription drug rehab centers in California, and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California, …
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Drug Rehab Graduates

Filed under: drug rehabs

South Dakota's Northern Hills Drug Court is holding its 15th graduation ceremony to recognize the latest graduates to complete the program that keeps offenders out of prison if they complete a rehabilitation program. Circuit Judge Jerome Eckrich of …
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EDITORIAL: Pilot township program unlikely to spread very far

Filed under: drug rehabs

Black Township Trustee Linda Suits' heart may be in the right place: she is trying to protect township taxpayers from subsidizing the drug habits of applicants who would use their assistance to buy drugs, while encouraging those caught to seek help …
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